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16 September 2012

Pic of the Day: Let's Move! Totally Duuuddde.

M2RB:  David Bowie

Let's dance put on your red shoes and dance the blues

For the couch potato, who nevertheless doesn't want to be sent to a reeducation camp for failing to comply with the exercise requirements of FLOTUS' "Let's Move!" programme:

Artist David Cerny bought the 1957 Routemaster bus in the Netherlands and spent six months fitting it with robotic arms, powered by an engine. The motion is accompanied by a recording of sounds evoked during tough physical effort.  

It seats about 50.  The First Lady recommends that adults do at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.  I'm thinking:  $5 cover charge x 50 = $250 every 30 minutes.  Run each bus for 10 hours a day and that's $5,000 minus expenses.  The bus can run on electricity generated from wind, solar, or resuseables like vegetable oil, but if you want to use diesel, I'm thinking that you could sell adult beverages to offset costs.  Since "Let's Move!" says that walking is an excellent form of exercise for adults since it is easy on the joints, perhaps, Johnnie WALKER would be appropriate.  And, for those more adventurous, you could cater to your clients joints by selling joints.

Let's Dance - David Bowie

Let's dance put on your red shoes and dance the blues

Let's dance to the song

they're playin' on the radio

Let's sway

while color lights up your face
Let's sway
sway through the crowd to an empty space

If you say run, I'll run with you

If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower

Let's dance for fear

your grace should fall
Let's dance for fear tonight is all

Let's sway you could look into my eyes

Let's sway under the moonlight,
this serious moonlight

If you say run, I'll run with you

If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower

Let's dance put on your red shoes

and dance the blues

Let's dance to the song

they're playin' on the radio

Let's sway you could look into my eyes

Let's sway under the moonlight,
this serious moonlight 

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