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04 March 2013

The Genocidal Racism of Left-Wing Extremists

h/t Gates of Vienna

Paul Weston has recently descended into the swamp to do verbal battle with the racists of the Left. A summary of his encounters is below.

For a typical leftist screed, see this article attacking Paul, which validates exactly his description of the anti-European and racist leftist ideology.

 The Genocidal Racism of Left-Wing Extremists

by Paul Weston

I have had some interesting discussions with extreme left-wingers recently. And oh boy, what a dreadful lot of immoral, dangerous racists they are!

These online conversations are always initiated by the leftists, who promptly accuse me of racism, bigotry and Islamophobia. I reply that I am not driven by a dislike, or even hatred of foreigners, but that I love my country, its culture, its people and its inherent decency, all of which I see threatened by an ever-growing number of immigrant people who share few of our moderate ideals.

This sparks off more accusations of racism, but I then ask the following question: “You tell me British Colonialism was wrong, yet you have no problem with Britain being colonised. This tells me it is not colonialism that bothers you, but the existence of traditional Britain. Is this the case?”

The leftist reply to this is that Britain committed all sorts of atrocities in the past, and it is now retribution time. I then ask them if they carry this same view over to other forms of colonialism. For example, the Zulus ethnically cleansed the Hottentot from Southern Africa, so based on leftist logic was it not a morally just form of retribution when the Zulus in turn were subjugated by the British and the Dutch? If the leftist considers this was not morally just, was it purely because the British and Dutch colonisers were white?

Leftists don’t really like this argument. They have difficulty answering the question because in their own peculiar world view, tribal racism simply does not exist when non-whites are the guilty party. Only whites can be guilty and only whites must suffer retribution. This is, of course, pure anti-white racism writ large.

When the African-American feminist Bonnie Greer appeared on the BBC’s Question Time a couple of years ago, she declared there was no such entity as the “Indigenous English.” This is a terribly racist statement to make, and is just the sort of rhetoric Hitler used against the Jews when he sought to de-legitimise them. Greer was allowed to get away with this, naturally, because the BBC is in broad agreement with such racist ideology.

So the next question I ask the leftist is this: “Do you agree that all indigenous people, regardless of their skin colour, have a legal and moral right to their traditional existence and to their homeland?”

The leftist will then tell me that all people are entitled to such a basic requirement, except for white Europeans who are historically guilty of murder, oppression, slavery, etc etc.

My penultimate question to them is this: “Demographics predict the native British will become an ethnic minority in their own homeland before 2050. Do you agree this is direct contravention of the UN’s Definition of Genocide; in direct contravention of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; and in direct contravention of any real world definition of decency and morality?”

The leftist will reply there is no such thing as the Indigenous British. Britain is an immigrant nation anyway, and is all the better for it. He tells me the world is One World and all are welcome. To resist this is racist, they say.

My final question is this: “So, you deny the existence of the English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish as legally and morally recognised races; you deny them their right to a nationality and a culture; you deny them their right to remain as an ethnic majority in the land of their birth, and you deny them the right to their homeland?”

By this stage, the leftist is so furious that I have forced him into a corner, and so furious that I have questioned his morality (which he feels he possesses but I do not) that he then injudiciously replies: “No, you have no rights to any of these things because of your historical actions, and you’re now getting everything you f******g well deserve.”

And that is where we are now. The Left still accuse us of racism because we wish to preserve the people, culture and homeland which our forefathers sacrificed so much for, yet the Left cannot recognise their own overt racism when they speak quite literally of racial genocide.

Make no mistake about this: These leftists are not morally good people; they are dangerous, evil genocidal racists, driven by an absolutely insane racial hatred of their very own race. The Left is our primary enemy.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution, which seeks to destroy the Christian, capitalist and racial base of the West. His website may be found here, and his political Facebook page here.

For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

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