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06 May 2013

Bill Ayers Is A Fucking Liar

'No one knows for sure but I think they [some of Ayers' fellow Weather Underground members] were. And had they carried [the bombing of Fort Dix] out it would have been a catastrophe.  But they didn’t and it didn’t happen. BUT WHAT DID HAPPEN IS, ON THAT SAME DAY, JOHN McCAIN MURDERED CIVILIANS. Do we have any responsibility for that? Should there be any reconciliation for that? Should he tell the TRUTH about it?'

- Bill Ayers, at the annual May 4th commemoration of the National Guard shootings at Kent State in 1970, 4 May 2013


6 March 1970: The day that the Greenwich Village townhouse, where 4 WU terrorists were building the bomb for Fort Dix, exploded.

26 October 1967: The day John McCain’s plane was shot down and he was taken as a POW, which he would remain until 14 March 1973.

When the bomb prematurely exploded in Greenwich Village, John McCain had been a POW for 863 days (2 years, 4 months, and 9 days). He would remain a POW for another 1,105 days (3 years and 9 days).

John McCain, however much I dislike the man today, murdered NO CIVILIANS on 6 March 1970. He had been a ‘guest’ of Bill Ayers’ buddies in the NVA at the Hanoi Hilton for 863 days by the time the Weather Underground’s bomb destined for Fort Dix exploded prematurely in Greenwich Village...and would continue to be so for ANOTHER 1,105 days.

Bill Ayers is a POS and a very lucky one at that. He should be in prison.

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